Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 7: 6 Days and 1 Massacre Later

Dwa 18th, 4288: 7 Days in the mortal realm

I sit here in a haze of conflicting emotions. Reminding myself that I'm a good person with good intentions can only do so much considering how yesterday went... I wanted to write last night, but it was just too painful to think about. To think the day had started off similar to Dwa 16th, but how it ended... Cortanna and I had set out to go back to Isaac's place when we happened to come across a swarm of Griggs in town. It was curious that they had entered into the town considering their worldly needs were in the woods. It was apparent as they made the townsfolk dance with them, myself included unfortunately, that something was distressing them. They darted from villager to villager asking for help. Before they could get an answer they'd follow up by having the villager dance with them. Upon seeing me and Cortanna, they rushed up to us with a slur of words.
Once they calmed down enough, we were able to get out of them that goblins had entered their woods. For years (if not generations) the Griggs kept to the woods while the goblins kept to the mountains. It was like an unspoken contract, but now the goblins broke it and we hunting the Griggs as they invaded their land. I was impressed that we were able to get any information because they managed to convince me to dance with them. Once I had my senses back I snapped at them that it was futile for any of us to help them with their problem if they kept having us dance. To this all the Griggs had an enormous epiphany that nearly imploded their heads at the notion. For a moment their little minds could comprehend how dancing actually had a time and place.
Once we received immunity from all dance requests until their problem was solved, Cortanna and I finished making our way to Isaac's place. We told them about the Griggs plight. Isaac and Rekka were the only one's there, so we took off for Jessica's tavern. Sure enough they were there, Gideon being quite drunk. I may hate my God and not care of His opinion, but being in such a drunken state is distasteful of the Angelic race. Gideon may prove to be a problem if alcohol is a vice for him...
The Griggs kept to their word and we were able to get out of town. About 30 minutes later we came across a party of goblins. They seemed to have made camp though it was late morning. The goblins were munching on Griggs just like we were told. So I went out to try and solve the problem. I approached with the weapon handle in hand. That was another perk of the magic weapon; I could appear nonthreatening though I was armed. Gideon came with me, staggering slightly while the rest stayed behind. I began speaking in goblin to see what was going on. It was distracting to listen to the goblin as he ate a Grigg in front of me. From what I remember him saying, he first introduced himself and fellow goblins as friendly. They meant no harm to anyone. The reason behind the migration of their community of goblins was due to werewolves invading their mountains. Rather than fight the problem, they figured they'd relocate and were in the process of finding a new home.
Latching on to his comment of them being friendly, I tried explaining that the creatures he and his community were eating were intelligent creatures. I continued to explain how the woods they were in were the Grigg's home. The goblin looked somewhat discouraged. I added that we’d be willing to try and help relocate them. The lead Goblin then appeared. He was large in stature and spoke in common to inform us that they had found an abandoned mine close by. It was perfect in size for their community and he were planned on moving everyone into it. The only mine I knew of was the one we found Billy in; the mine that was filled with undead, possibly marked like Billy. I asked if they were the mines just northwest from where we were and the leader confirmed the location. Immediately the hairs on my neck stood up knowing what lurked in those mines.
Cortanna sounded behind me stating that the mine weren’t a good place. The lead goblin inquired about it and she blurted out to him how there was undead in them. He asked how we knew of that to which Cortanna pointed at Billy. I had forgotten how much goblins loathed the undead and I was reminded quickly once the lead goblin whipped his sword out. The sword glowed a fiery blue and the goblin's whole demeanor became rigged with hate. Isaac assured the lead goblin that he was under control. The leader eased his posture a little.
Despite our warning, the lead goblins was set on moving into the mines still. I tried to encourage him that there were other places so that they wouldn't have to deal with the mass amount of undead. I would have though I had learned not to utter undead in their presence after the small exchange with Billy, but no. The lead goblin's agitation sparked again. He looked me squarely in the eyes before scanning over the rest of my party, pointed at Isaac and accused, “How do we know he didn’t put them there?” I was already feeling frustrated with the lead goblin not wanting to try and look for a different option. Let alone I was avoiding the mention of how the creatures back in the mine were most certainly marked. So with the accusation against Isaac, out of exasperation, and what I felt was under my breathe, stated, “It was the Gods!”
As soon as those 4 words left my mouth, I knew these once friendly goblins were now my sworn enemies. How! How was it I would have forgotten something so monumentally sacred to the Goblins than that of their religious beliefs! And what did I do, cursed ALL of them! In front of their leader!
The leader's sword somewhat numbed the pure idiocy I felt. He sliced open my abdomen and I felt my legs weaken and collapse under me. In the haze of pain and self loathing I could see my party attacking. I looked around and could see half of the goblins starting to flee. Images began to flood my head of 200+ goblins descending upon us or the town. Out of panic I exclaimed that we must kill them all. If not for our life’s sake, then for the towns sake.The goblin leader then drew a horn out and began to lift it to his lips. I knew what he was trying to do; alert the rest of the goblins to join in the fight. With a surge of adrenalin, I attacked. My strike was true as the weapon handle morphed into a halberd. Miraculously, Gideon’s sword was right there with my weapon and our combined attack killed the goblin leader in his tracks.
I fell back to the ground catching my breath and clenching my wound. I could see my party take off to deal with the others. I sent a fireball after a goblin, unsure as to whether it got him. I was spent. My energy was depleted. I doubt there’s anything more I could have done. Clearly there was no going back on what I had instigated, and I hated that.
The group gatheried back together. Gideon placed his hands on my head and suddenly I whole, rejuvenated and without pain. I bit of gratitude swelled in my heart toward him. But that gratitude vanished as I looked at the massacre of goblins about us. Another distressing question came to ming... what happens when the goblins find their fallen comrades? Apparently I wasn’t the only one thinking this. As a group we discussed what we could possibly do. Try to make it look like a werewolf attack? Bury them? Make it look like they had a dispute? Once more the safety of the town was my first priority. I figured since we were talking in circles of our options that I’d at least do something by going and getting shovels to dig with if in the end we did decide a mass grave.
Oh how stupid it was of me to have cursed the Gods! The confrontation with the goblins wasn’t meant to be so difficult! We were there to help! To be completely honest, not sure who to be more angry with; myself or the goblin leader? Worse yet, the group seemed to be equally frustrated by my choice. Doubt this will ever be let down.
Upon returning with shovels, the group STILL hadn’t come to a decision. I passed the shovels around and said we definitely had no more time to dawdle and better start burying them. We had been lingering around much too long.
“Hey guys! I caught some more Griggs-” we heard behind us. We all whipped around to watch a goblin enter the clearing with an arm full of Griggs. His look of shock to see us replicated how I felt to see him. We managed to line up to block the heap of bodies (the only productive thing they did while I was gone). The Goblin greeted us and then asks if we knew where his comrades were. As the others spoke they attempted to make him think werewolves had recently come by. I decided to assist on the believableness of the situation by casting a howling sound 9 squares from us.
I hadn’t realized how flighty everyone was going to be. As soon as the wolf howl sounded, everyone except me, Isaac, and Bill, fled. Suddenly there was just the 4 of us and a pile of bodies left in the clearing. It was enough to say that the Goblin was beyond shocked. He dropped the Griggs, sputtering, pointing, and looking absolutely devastated. We gave him his moment, looking solemn and I completely guilty.
Finally he wiped at his eyes and glared at the three of us demanding to know exactly what had happened. I figured it would be pointless to try and lie, so I slowly and carefully retold the story. When it got to the point about me cursing the Gods, I made it clear that I had offended their leader when I had blamed my Gods for the undead in the mine. Once more I should have known better, but with the mingled guilt and hatred of how awful the whole encounter went, I almost welcomed the sword as it sliced across my abdomen and chest. I fell backwards to the ground accepting the pain that replaced the anger in me. It was here that I was certain I was dead as slowly everything turned white.

✻   ✻   ✻   ✻   ✻

How was it that everything went so horribly wrong?

✻   ✻   ✻   ✻   ✻

Day 5: Poison in the Water

Dwa 16th, 4288: 5 Days in the Mortal Realm

Cortanna returned to us this morning and brought gifts from the mourning Ms. Hill. The gifts were more than generous considering the bad news that was delivered. However I couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for having received some family heirlooms and a handsome sum of money for our worldly needs.
The heirlooms consisted of a ring, a mythril shirt, a weapon handle that morphed into any weapon (that had a handle), a cloak of invisibility, and a circlet. It became apparent that each of the items were quite powerful in their own way. They would become stronger over time. I was able to secure the weapon handle for myself. The halberd was a favored weapon among the Angelic, it being so versatile. As I experimented with it, it was no surprise what I summoned first from the handle. The halberd obviously was masterwork and felt incredible. The power it could have was exciting to think about, but for now it would do as a great piece of weaponry.
I must say, reflecting on how easily we divided up the gifts from Ms. Hill, I'm impressed that no dispute broke out considering we were strangers to each other. Anyways, not long after going through the heirlooms,  we were interrupted by a knock at the door. Isaac answered it only to back up and say to me, “your brother is here.”
Confused, I peered out the door and saw another Angelic standing in the doorway. He clearly wasn't an Angelic of Heironious nor was there any resemblance of a fallen state.  
"That's not my brother," I corrected. In fact, it was just my sister, Meryth, and myself that my parents had. I then asked the Angelic what it was he needed. He introduced himself as Gideon and that he was sent to fetch Isaac for an urgent problem in town. We asked what had happened and were informed that the water for the city was now poisoned and town folk were dying. Immediately we departed with Isaac to see what could be done.
The town square had visibly shifted. What was a typical, small town milling about with their daily activities yesterday, was suddenly a frenzy of townsfolk zipping about striving to keep up with the demands of those poisoned. One of the few Clerics who saw us arrive, approached Isaac. He was elated he had come and enthused he already had helpers to assist him. He instructed us to go examine the main water source that Duke Lupik had made for their town. If we could find the poison source and bring back a sample, then he would make an antidote.
We were quick to get going, heading through the forest. We had been informed that the aqueduct Duke Lupik made was a huge help to Podunk (that's the name of the town). Before hand they would send people out to fetch the water from the river (a good hour travel one way) but it would take some of them days to get back. No one ever investigated it, but we figured out the likely culprits to those delays.
First we came upon a giant spider’s nest. There were a couple of ‘small’ intelligent spiders crawling about. Isaac and Cortanna entered the nest and spoke to the spiders for a moment. It seemed as though the spiders would be friendly, but suddenly two of them sprayed their webbing on Isaac and Cortanna. I retaliated by sending a fire bolt at the nearest one. It was killed by the blast, sending the others scurrying up the tree cursing us. I had a sinking feeling that that would literally come back to bite us in the butt.
We continued to move on only to stumble upon some Griggs. I groaned inside as I recalled how those little fairy like creatures had an insatiable need to dance. Because of their compulsion to dance, we were subjected to dancing with them multiple times. After the third dance session we began to try and explain our purpose with being in the woods. We told them how we needed to get to the river to examine it for poison. The Griggs were more than eager to help us get there. Most of us were swooped up and carried in the direction of the water. I did my best to run along with them, worried that the little guys might have had some ulterior motives. After a few minutes of running I began to fatigue and allowed the Griggs to carry me.
The tiny creatures got us to the river and after another dance session we were on our way. We noticed some Mer folk in the water and saw that some of them weren’t looking so good.  We tried talking with them. At first they are very reserved and uninterested in our being there, but after we explained that we were trying to fix the problem they inform us that the Podunk guards had come down and dinked around the aqueduct and released the beast. They wouldn't describe the beast to us, but they were clearly terrified of it.
They guided us to the entrance of the aqueduct and left us to go in on our own. Inside the tunnel of the aquatic we came to a grate. Thoughts of picking the lock weren't brought up due to Billy. The kid walked right up to the door of the grate and ripped it off it's hinges, making easy work of it.
We explored a little further when suddenly the ledge beneath my feet gave way, crumbling to the water below. Billy ended up falling in, seeming to not have noticed me jerk back. He quickly climbed back up onto our side. I used my magic handle to extend into a Halberd. I then tapped the other side to see if it was stable. For what I could tell, it was solid. We all jumped over with ease, the ledge holding strong. We continued on along the path coming to more spots that gave way.
At one point Rekka fell in and it was then that we realize the water was acidic. Rekka screamed out in pain as she scrambled up the other side. We looked at her feet and could see them blistering from the acid burns. Quickly we cleaned her feet off the best we could with the water we had. Once she was taken care of and able to move along, we continued on to a second gate. Once more Billy forced the door open and we went through.
We had barely cleared the gate when a small, black colored dragon appeared. The vicious thing began to attack us, spitting it’s acid like breath in our direction. The dragon must have been just a wormling for we were able to take it down in a matter of minutes. Billy, oddly enough, devoured the dragon... and picked up some of the dragon qualities with that. They're gone now, but for about an hour he had scaly skin that resembled the dragon he ate.
The nest was typical of a dragon; various treasures were scattered about it. After collecting some of the acid the dragon spewed at us, we returned back to town in record time thanks to the Griggs carrying us. We went to the head Cleric and gave him the sample of the poison. He was ever thankful and for a moment we enjoyed a spell of rest.
I'm staying with Cortanna tonight at her place while Rekka stays the night with Isaac. Jessica and Gideon are at the tavern Jessica owns. It is a curious party I’ve stumbled upon, but it sure does feel good helping people.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 4: Welcome to Podunk

Dwa 15th, 4288: 4 Days in the Mortal Realm

It has been 4 days since I’ve been cast out from the Golden City in the Sky. Despite the time from my God, I could still feel the anger course through me knowing how He had betrayed me. However, since being back in the mortal realm, the first thing I noticed were my wings; nothing but fleshy, molted stubs protruding from my exposed back. I let out a scream of pure frustration as the thought of Malfeiya being allowed back into the presence of Heironious. Her body was clearly marked for eternal damnation! She may have saved hundreds of souls from being tapped by the mark and had killed Erythnul, but she was marked!  I don't care if she saved future generations from damnation.  
Malfeiya should not have been exalted! My sister remains a slave to this realm, her soul unable to ascend to the Golden City. Her body rots in the ground because she was marked. A minute hadn’t even past with the mark branded on her skin! She, too, was good! She had done no wrong. Never had.
Why did that girl have to come around and upturn all this anger I thought I had buried so long ago!
And so it was, I spent the first day agonizing over the worldly emotions I hadn’t experienced for the past two centuries. After a few hours of fitful rage I finally came to my own conclusion of my new life: Heironeous had betrayed me and all of his followers. He who was all just and ‘merciful’ broke one of His ‘unbending’ rules for an overly privileged girl. Therefore I would no longer willfully trust any God to be just and merciful to my plight and those left to live through this mortal existence. Because of that, I would put my skills to work and help those who are in need of help. Especially those under unjust authority... though as I came to that conclusion, I wasn't sure what help I would be with no money, weapon, or the use of my wings...
It didn’t take long for me to find a decent walking stick. If needed, it would provide some defence of any predators that might find me. Shortly after finding the stick, I then found a path and followed it for a couple of days. I did happen upon a town and I probably would have found it sooner if the woods I landed in weren't so full of Griggs. Those little fae creatures were overly eager to have someone dance with them. It was fun until the 4th time of being forced to dance. It was rather annoying how many Griggs lived in those woods. I would have thought my less than Angelic appearance would disway them from asking me, but they seemed all the more eager to flag me down.  

As I began the second day of travel along this path, I was just able to make out the small town at the end of the road. Thankfully as I drew closer to the village, the less Griggs I had to deal with. The woods opened up to a large clearing. I entered the town this morning, on my third day of travel.
The town seemed quite quaint. Simple buildings, just a few folk walking about, with a decent amount of guards milling about. However my attentions were quickly drawn to the Devil I saw. My heart skipped a beat at first, but I know better now that he is just a Hellbred. At the time I figured things were under control seeing the guards there. Just as I was thinking about walking over and seeing if quite possibly there was anything I could help them with, I saw them take this elderly woman by the arms and began to drag her away! Immediately I knew I had to intervene because clearly there was some injustice going on.
Forgetting my naked stubs on my back, I was quite the sight as I tried to insert myself into the situation. I kept getting shut down despite my attempts to intervene. As much as I wished I had the authority to override them, being an Angelic and all, I knew I was a newcomer and therefore really had no clue as to the whole situation. I lingered about hoping that what I was witnessing would have some light shed on it. It turned out the old lady’s name was Ms. Hill and she was missing her son, Billy. For some reason the Hellbred, Isaac, and the guards made it sound like it was just her being crazy. Amidst their banter, a girl, who's name I learned is Cortanna, rode up on a horse due to the commotion. She seemed to disagree with them about Ms. Hill being crazy..
They debated about whether this was a cause to investigate while considering that her son was 16 and probably was just out doing boy things. At this we learned he had been missing for 2-3 days. As we were told this bit of information, we were joined by another pair of guards who had a young girl with them. Her name is Rekka. I was confused by her presence let alone hearing them talk about how she ‘attempted’ to break into some building. She pleads to me, saying that she was told she’d be in prison for weeks, maybe even months. One of the guards knocked her in the back of her head for speaking. I then whacked him soundly with my stick in perfect imitation of him. He glared at me as I explained how he could do his job better. I thought it wasteful of their time and resources to imprison a teenage girl on the charges of attempted breaking and entering. The guard clearly didn't like my smart with him and to demonstrate his complacency looked me squarely in the eyes and took another swing at Rekka. Seeing him prep to hit I deflected his attack with my stick.
I was about ready take to go find higher authority to resolve the issue I felt was at hand. A guard abusing his authority was never a good sign. However Isaac stepped between us, trying to defuse the situation by pointing out that Ms. Hill was now holding a picture Billy had drawn. Interestingly enough it was of the very girl the guards happened to drag outside with them. Rekka explained that Billy was helping take care of her and they had a hide out in a mine just outside of town. This odd, makeshift group then determined to go investigate, with Rekka, the mines since that was the last place she had seen Billy. Interestingly enough, the guards were perfectly content with us babysitting their convict and scurried off to the tavern. Oh how I was beginning to loathe the guards.
Some of us were given a simple weapon. As we headed out, the party still seemed unsure of who I was and why I was there. I felt sharing my story would be best once we found a place to sit and rest. Since I wasn't sure what Isaac was at the time, I tried asking him what his race was. He glared at me as though I was a half wit asking what color the sky was. Then again, he seemed vaguely panicked as I tried to pester him about it. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t helping out a pure evil Deity. I suspected there was more to his appearance because the lack of revulsion to who I was (and the lack of interest into why I was roaming around the mortal plain) though I was in a fallen state. It clicked as I recalled how some folk are given a second chance in life if they did something monumentally galant before dying if their previous life was lived evily.
Also, I noticed what looked to be the bar wench going with us... odd.
As we approached the mine, there was nothing unusual about it. It was like any other mine, just the entrance was filled with... stuff. Items that would prove useful somewhere down the road. I was only interested in the items if there was a Halberd (a favored weapon of the Angelic race due to it’s versatility). Unfortunately there wasn’t a Halberd lying around.
The party dug through the things, taking what they felt was appropriate for their needs. Rekka seemed uneasy about the mine. We tried asking her if there was anything more to the mine she knew about, but the only answer we got was that she never explored any further than the entrance. Suddenly I heard whisperings. It sounded like a group of people. What they said I had no idea due to it being faint, but as I listened to those voices, Rekka suddenly exclaimed, “Not the voices again!” It was then explained that because of the strange voices she never ventured further into the cave.
However, since Billy had gone exploring in the cave, we all continued on, taking caution to the strange voices that ever so often could be heard. Isaac was less than convinced of what we were experiencing. He most likely was just in denial of anything mysterious happening to give him a false sense of security as he scouted out ahead of the group. The further we went, the more clearer the voices became until at one point I could hear the words distinctly.
A chill ran up my spine for the words were haunting. It wasn’t until the second time that I heard the words that I had a very uncomfortable feeling that somehow this chant, that was being repeated, had a heavy undertone meant for me alone. For a moment I felt maybe I had stumbled across a group of folk who were experiencing my same plight. I expressed that we should try to find those people to see if we could help them.
We came to a wall that had writing all over it. Isaac was able to read it and as he did, I, as well as the other three girls, knew it to be the chant. No sooner had Isaac read it, the chant was spoken again loud enough for all of us to hear. I still was interested in meeting this group, though I couldn’t deny how eerie the chant felt.
We didn’t venture much further down the cave. We actually had no choice for it had caved in. What was more alarming was the sight of moving legs. Someone was trapped and obviously struggling. There was a sinking feeling that this was Billy. We told the being we were there to help. They stopped moving and the sinking feeling only deepened as we began to remove the rocks and saw the amount of dried blood. Since the person was responsive, I asked for them to move their legs if they were Billy. Sure enough Billy wiggled his legs and our effort to dig Billy out increased. Once freed, Rekka confirmed that it was Billy... but something wasn’t right- not to mention how blood crusted he was. By this time the chant was heard once more loud and clear as though we were almost upon the source.
I looked to Isaac only to be shocked. He looked... withered, as though life was sucked from him! His appearance was similar to that of a skeleton. It was disturbing... but despite the shock of Isaac's dramatic change, we felt it was a good idea to leave the mine since we found Billy. However before leaving, Isaac decided to check beyond the fallen rocks in the direction of the chanting voices. Once in, he then got the idea to throw a torch to see what laid ahead. To our surprise the torch fell to a lower level, revealing a drop off... and an open cavern filled with various creatures. They were immobile, though standing but not looking at anything in particular.
Once more the chant was said by those creatures and Billy. I had a sinking feeling. I looked at Billy and for whatever reason decided to examine him over for a mark. The very thought was daunting, yet with how mindless the creatures chanted and unaware of us with the sudden burst of light, left me feeling sick that the evil I thought was dead, wasn't.
No sooner had I begun cleaning Billy’s face, it became evident that there were multiple marks. If I hated my God for denying my sister Exaltation, I was livid now. The symbol of Erythnul was infused with that of Heironeous in a way that it could only mean they were working together. I felt like screaming, but I kept my composure, letting my anger leave me numb. Through my internal turmoil I saw Billy staring into my eyes and caught him saying to me, “They are watching you.”
Everyone noticed the interchange and were curious as to what was going on. I asked if any of them happened to know of the mark of Erythnul and the possessions that had supposedly been ended days before. Everyone looked at me though I was daft, except the bar wench (Jessica being her name). In fact she seemed to know exactly what I was talking about. However... no one seemed to be as deeply afraid of their welfare concerning the mark. It was easy to become marked. The marked being only had to touch another folk with the mark for it to transfer. As I remembered that, a moment of panic swept through me. I had touched Billy's face! It was covered in marks! I  quickly examined my hands.
They were clean...
Before I could linger on why it was I wasnt marked, the group seemed more eager to flee the mine and get back to town. We made quick time back (minus a small run in with a boar that Cortanna was able to ‘handle’) and came to the consensus on the way there that it would be best to tell Billy’s mother that he was dead. One of the perks about being new to town, I wasn't considered for delivering such news.
It was Cortanna who went to deliver the unfortunate news. The rest of us are staying at Isaac’s place for the night. I'm trying to pay attention to Rekka, for she seems to have wandering eyes. Part of me wonders, inspite of the ‘better’ treatment she's receiving, if she'll take advantage of it. But I shouldn't be so judgemental considering I only met her today. Never the less, in the morning we hope to hear back from Cortanna as to how Ms. Hill fared the news.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 1: Unforeseen Betrayal

Dwa 11th, 4288

All of us stood on edge, watching Malfeiya as her blood pooled over the ground, down into the depths of the earth that Erythnul was thrusted down into. The screams of the evil being cursed her name as he became bound once more to the depths of his prison. Once the needed blood was spilt, the opening in the earth sealed up, silencing Erythnul's wrath. Malfeiya then fell to the earth, dead.
For a brief moment my heart went out to her. How awful her situation was. Malfeiya had saved the mortal plain from Erythnul’s evil reign, saved those  from being marked in the future  and hence prevented from being Exalted. Even the folk there who witnessed the sealing seemed heart broken that their savior was now dead.
Alas, like I said, my heart, for a moment, went out to her. No sooner had she fallen to the earth of the mortal plane, the change began. I watched the light stream forth from her body, her wardrobe change into the white dress of the newly Exalted. My blood ran cold as I watched the horror take place before me. I could hear rejoicing all around me at the miracle that took place, but no rejoicing came from me. Rather the purist form of hatred, the most piercing pain of betrayal coursed through me.
Why should she be Exalted!? She was MARKED!! No marked being was allowed in the kingdom! I looked around for Him. What had Heironious allowed!? Why would He allow her and not my sister!?
I barely caught sight of Him and in His face I could see some concern, as though He knew I remembered what He had told me and now I had caught Him in His lie. Caught Him breaking one of His unbending rules.
“Heironious!” I shouted. I’m sure I drew quite the attention in that moment, but before things could escalate there, I was suddenly in His court. All of the doors shut, the curtains drawn.
“What have you done!” I exclaimed accusingly.
“Araja, let me explain,” Heironious began. His voice was calm and soothing.
“So you can tell me more lies?”
“I’ve never lied to you Araja.”
“Then why was she Exalted!?”
“That’s what I want to explain!” Heironious said more sternly, “She has an important task at hand-”
“Of course she has an important task. She’s been nothing but important. So much that the rules are an exception to her! That doesn’t make right what you’ve allowed! You told me the mark could not come into the kingdom because of the evil in it! That reason alone was why my sister, who was marked for less than a minute, couldn’t be Exalted! My sister who was more good than me!” I shouted. The anger in me I could feel take over and turn into rage.
“Are you ready to listen now?” Heironious asked calmly. With the rage setting in, I wasn’t about to listen to what I was convinced were lies ready to be hurled at me.
“No! Heironious, this is the one thing I can’t forgive you for. The one thing I can’t ignore,” I paused. There was a thought in my mind that said ‘what you’re about to say will be crossing the line and you will regret it once out’ but I knew that it would be effective in getting back at Heironious for Him lying to me, “I might as well been a follower of Erythnul the whole time.”
I eyed Him daringly, forgetting that He was my creator and therefore more powerful than I. Yet the rage within gave me the courage to state my mind for I knew I was right. Heironious’s whole frame went rigged. I knew I had struck Him to the core and I wanted Him to feel my pain! I knew I had gone too far, but I was going to make Him hurt! Make Him pay! Expose Him if I had to!
“You obviously are no better than him and for that I hate you!” My mouth was then silenced. I couldn’t move my tongue or my lips. The very attempt at making a sound was impossible. The courage my rage gave me fled, leaving me scared at what could happen as Heironious grew to His full height.
“Get. Out,” He said firmly. I hesitated confused by the firmness that was without malice. But my hesitation put Heironious over the edge, “I said GET. OUT!” and with those thundering words ringing in my head I felt myself being pulled away. The force picked up speed and before I knew it I could see myself plummeting to the surface of the mortal plane. Tears streamed from my eyes out of anger as I looked to what must be my impending death. Obviously I was right and here He was destroying me before I could inform the others.