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Coqoj 6th,4288: 175 Days in the Mortal Realm
Coqoj 6th,4288: 175 Days in the Mortal Realm
The rest of our travels was uneventful. Gemmel kept vigil at night and ever so often would leave to go ‘take care’ of something.
This morning we arrived at the Elven Kingdom borders and it was quite the sight to see. Tents and pavilions were pitched in the valley beneath us. Banners and flags of various colors were speckled about the place. People moved about between the various attractions. We joined in with the other travelers who too were finishing the final yards to the Carnival.
“Again, I’m only allowed here to participate in this fair,” Gemmel reminded me, “So a, what we’ll do is keep an eye out for a couple of representatives of the Wizard Conclave. There’s always a few of them milling about. They should be able to help us with your situation,.”
“Can. You. De.tect. Evil?” I asked. Gemmel may know folk who could help me, but I also suspected that if they were evil that my chances of being with them wouldn’t be favorable.
“In a way,” Gemmel responded, “but don’t worry. We’ll be safe. This is a neutral ground hence why I’m allowed.”
“Just. Wor.ried. Wrong. Peo.ple. Fig.gure. Out. Who. I. Am,” I explained.
“Oh I think it’ll be pretty obvious to most of the sellers here that you’re not a natural lizard.”
“No... I. Worry. They’ll. Know. My. Real. Name.”
“Oh, that. Nah. Very few magics in this world can do that.”
“If. Name. Comes. Up. Call. Me. Ser.rin. Still.”
We get to the check in and were escorted by a host of guards to Gemmel’s spot. They were very nervous about him and talked somewhat curtly to him. Gemmel however was ever gracious despite their overly cautious approach.
I’m curious as to what it was he did in the Elven Kingdom that they would ban him, but welcome him (somewhat) for Carnival.
The Elves seeing to his placement and following of the rules, drew a line around his wagon to define the extent of his spot. Gemmel thanked them and soon they were on their way. I wondered if I would ever be content with who I am to accept people judging and treating me so.
“You. Think. You’ll. Ever. Tell. Me. Why. They. Have. Such. Re.straints. On. You?” I pried. Gemmel gave me a funny look.
“You think it’s important?”
I suppose it wasn’t. His character now obviously wasn’t reflective of whatever bad choices he made in his past. But still, I couldn’t help but wonder.
“I. Like. Stor.ies.”
“Well, this isn’t really a story...” Gemmel trailed off. I left it at that and pushed him no further. He had been more than kind to me and I didn’t want to change that.
Gemmel then reminded me that Carnival was only 7 days and during that time he’d keep an eye open for a representative of the Wizard Conclave.
“You’re welcome to go where you want,” he added.
“I’m. Not. Any. Fur.ther. Than. This. Leash. Will. Let. Me,” I said. Gemmel gave a soft chuckle.
“You can go anywhere with that leash. I mean, anywhere."
“Well. I’m. Here. Then.” Gemmel chuckled some more as he puttered about setting up shop. Here was hoping he’d be able to find someone soon seeing that there are already thousands of folk milling about; taking in the festivities that folks without worries could enjoy.
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