Monday, July 14, 2014

Friend or Foe pt. 4: Blackwing

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Bal Vyr took off after Grendel, shouting back to Cloudbreaker that he’d meet up with him at midnight. Apparently some kind of fight club took place at that time to which men could earn money by fighting each other. There was also mention of a bear there... Cloudbreaker and I took off for the Chalice to wait out the time.
“You know Araja, you and I are the odd man out, in the way of silvered weapons. Perhaps we should just go buy the silver from Bakabba,” Cloudbreaker mentioned.
“I suppose,” I said defeated like. My mind was still thinking about Grendel and what had happened over the past hour and half. The visit to Bakabba didn’t help either.
Upon our return, we tried to offer help in rebuilding her home after Cloudbreaker’s clumsy fall off the bridge earlier. She was quite insistent that because the ‘Devil’ brought it down, that there was no need to rebuild it. I then rummaged through the rubble to see what I could find. I created some light since the sun was down and the night was very much upon the town. I was able to find the silver among some random items that seemed fitting for a mad woman. I also found my tarot cards from earlier.
In the back of my head, I felt compelled to pocket them. I mean, they were right there! She seemed uninterested in gathering her things and so I felt perhaps if I held onto them, I might be able to find someone who could explain them to me. I felt leaving her with 10 platinum pieces would be suffice too.
Cloudbreaker, too, noticed Bakabba’s uninterest in her things that laid in the rubble of her home. Seeing I had the silver he whispered, “We should just take it.” My jaw dropped. I was surprised Cloudbreaker would even suggest such a thought. I felt guilty enough for attempting to pocket 4 cards, yet I pocketed the silver anyways.
The Goliath noticed his tarot cards were still out. He snatched them up and for a moment I thought he was going to keep them too, but instead he went over to Bakabba and asked her to explain the cards. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to keep her distracted so I could leave or if he was earnest to know. Either way, Bakabba’s rambling didn’t get him any where.
As we began to leave, I having pulled out 10 platinum pieces to give Bakabba, she held out her deck of Tarot cards and asked expectantly, "Cards, cards, cards." I tried to feign innocents, but I knew why she said it. Firstly, I thought it odd that she had her deck on her, but not the 8 cards that Cloudbreaker and I drew many hours before hand. Secondly, how’d she know I had the cards? I was certain she was too aloof to take much notice of anything.
Still, I felt ashamed, even if it was because I got caught. I handed over the cards, Cloudbreaker followed suit. Bakabba gave a warm smile and then asked for 300 gold pieces for the silver. Tilj! She really was paying attention, I thought. In fact it was right about there that I really took in the situation and I am still kicking myself about how selfish I had behaved. Bakabba lived in a hut made of driftwood that Cloudbreaker destroyed. I imagine the only way she gets by is doing her ridiculous fate readings. Yet there I was trying to steal her silver and the cards that made her deck. How had I even remotely think that was ‘okay’?
I paid the 30 platinum pieces for the silver and left quickly feeling embarrassed for my unkind behavior. I wasn’t mad at Cloudbreaker for encouraging it. No, I knew better and I acted impulsively. I feel I need to make it up to Bakabba still, but how?
“Let’s go back to the Chalice while we wait til midnight. I could use a drink,” Cloudbreaker suggested. I gave a nod. In fact, with all that happened, an odd resolve came over me.
“Yes, let us go back and have some drinks,” I announced. I was set on trying a pint. The day had started off so merrily and I didn’t want the past few hours to dampen the peace I had been at. If the drink could make me feel merry as the men were last night at the Chalice, then by all means I was ready to give it a go.
We walked in silence for about 5 minutes before Cloudbreaker broke the silence with what was on his mind.
"I hope that Bal Vyr manages to talk some sense into Grendel,” he began to vent, “I have had enough! He tried to kill me on the lake. With one hand he offered to help me onto the boat, and with the other he swung at me! I could have left him to drown you know,” how I wish you had, “Even when I gave in to my anger, I didn’t kill him!
"After saving his life he shows me no gratitude or kinship. So it is settled,” Cloudbreaker said, balling his hands into fists, “I will no longer try to see anything his way, or pander to his ridiculous ideals. I am proud of who I am Araja. I am strong and he is weak. If Grendel ever tries anything like that again I will kill him! I think we will all be the better for it too. He brings nothing to this group but selfishness, greed and conflict. That is not the way of my people, and I will stand for it no longer."
I nodded my head once more. That would be a fight I would not hold Cloudbreaker back on. He also would have me there to help him. I had pledged myself to him hours before, so it surprised me a bit with what Cloudbreaker said next.
"When that time comes, I would hope you will stand beside me, Araja. As my friend and ally."
I grabbed Cloudbreaker’s arm and jerked him around. I couldn’t help but notice how strong he was. However, I managed to stop him and got his attention, making sure he was looking me squarely in the eyes.
"A'aluke Cloudbreaker Kolothiae,” I chided, “I've already told you I will follow you. Unless something prevents me from being there to help you, you can count on my arm."
I quickly released his arm and began to walk again. Cloudbreaker fell into step with me. He kept his head bowed and for a moment I felt somewhat guilty for being so stern with him. But I wanted to make it clear that I meant what I had said.
“I did not mean to doubt you; it is just not my way to take such things for granted,” Cloudbreaker eventually said, “I will not make that mistake again. I respect your loyalty, 'Blackwing'."
I cocked my head. "Blackwing?" I asked. It was peculiar to hear him refer to the mark of my fall.
"Araja is the name you were born with. Blackwing is the name you have earned. Do you dislike it?" Cloudbreaker asked, concern eminent in his voice.
"Um... I guess I'm curious why I’m in need of a new name." About as soon as those words left my mouth, part of me felt stupid. New life. New name. Duh.
"Names carry meaning,” Cloudbreaker began. So mine points out my fall... “The name you are born with is the name that contains the hope that your parents have for you. It is their name truly, not yours. My people have new names bestowed on them, typically by the chief, when they mature. They gain a name that captures what they have become, in the eyes of their peers.
"I have been thinking about what I should call you since the village incident and I've decided upon Blackwing. It is the name I feel fits you best. Araja has no meaning to me, but Blackwing speaks a thousand words and a song about who you are."
Whatever negativity I was feeling toward the new name and the mark of my fall dissipated after Cloudbreaker explained the reason for it. It held meaning to him. It was part of his culture and from how he spoke of the new name, there was something about it that made it seem he was inviting me into his world. When I stated earlier about belonging, it was under the idea of friendship. For whatever reason, this new name was so much more. I was his equal, or something like that. Eh, perhaps I’m over thinking it.
In essence, the new name was exactly what I needed.
"Then yes,” I said, a smile creeping on my lips, “I like the name. I suppose it's fitting, literally, but more in the sense that this is a new life for me. New life, new name. Blackwing.”
A smile broke across Cloudbreaker’s face at my acceptance of the name.
We walked into the Chalice and got situated with a plate of food and pints of ale. I hesitated ever so briefly as I gripped the mug with the amber liquid. I took a quick swig, the bitter drink splashing across my tongue, making me sputter into my drink. I sat the mug back down, blinking wildly while wiping my mouth on my sleeve. Don’t know what I was expecting considering the fermented smell it came with, but I figured it was an acquired taste.
"Now about Grendel,” I stated once I regained my composure, “I agree completely about your thoughts toward him. You are good Cloudbreaker and Grendel... he seems to be rapidly dissolving into darkness," I stabbed a piece of potato a bit too vigorously, a loud clank punctuating my frustration with the crusader, "To think I believed he had good intentions earlier! I'm worried for your life now with him around. If he attacks you again, you can count that I will try to end him or bring the law into play. He needs to answer to his crimes against you."
I took another gulp of the ale and managed to not choke on it. There was something almost sweet about it that time, hidden by the bitterness. "Might I also add that we try to stay together? I may not be strong like you, but together the less likely we'll be caught off guard."
"Absolutely. I do not know what Grendel plans are, but I stand a greater chance of thwarting them with you at my side." I felt a smile spread across my face.
“However,” Cloudbreaker continued, “should he force me to fight again, I will not let the law of this town judge him. Their corruption is manifest. Grendel will answer to me alone."
"You, too, felt something off about them? About the whole 'you can search but don't interfere with them and their investigation' bit?"
"Yes... it does seem secretive. They don’t even truly care about Trickfoot! We are the ones that are responsible for him-” that bit caught me off. Concerned, yes, but responsible for him? He’s an old Gnome who I’m sure was capable of taking care of himself. “The Captain's words make me wary of the whole town guard. Not to mention how suspiciously Mathison acted. For all we know, the guards are involved in Trickfoot's disappearance," Cloudbreaker whispered.
Another gulp. It was about there that I felt some warmth in my stomach. Despite the gravity of the conversation, part of me didn’t feel so forlorn. In fact I was somewhat optimistic.
"It might be pertinent that we seek out the Mayor. He was one of the names that the druidess mentioned if I remember correctly.” With the town guard becoming increasingly less trustworthy, it was tempting to just side with the wood Elves and fulfill the request of the Druidess.
“You know, I am beginning to lose faith in this town. Surely I couldn’t condemn all of the people due to the supposed corruption of their guards. Dale for instance has been downright charming, but perhaps the Druidess was right to hate what this town has done to her woods."
I let out a sigh. I didn't want to side with the Druidess, but I hated the authority of the town, "I don't know Cloudbreaker," I said with a shake of my head, "I don't like the guards and I don't like that Druidess. Perhaps upon finding the Mayor, he might oblige us with a run down of their dealings with the Elves..."
"Perhaps...,” Cloudbreaker said through a mouth full of food. He took a drink from his pint before continuing, “I must confess. I have no intention to do what the Druidess demanded of us, but I am coming to understand her point of view. And what power would this Mayor have?" Cloudbreaker asked.
I pondered for a moment. I didn’t want to jump right in and explain how the structure of government was here, for it could very well be different.
"Well, if Athvala is anything like the world I came from, the Mayor is similar to what a chief is for you. The Guard Captain, if I'm correct, is basically second in command. The Mayor oversees the town, delegates power to the guards to uphold the laws and keep the city crime free, and does his best to make sure the well being of the citizens are met. They have the final say as to what is law.
“Again, that’s how I know it to be in the world I was last in and Athvala does look similar in structure," I finished. Cloudbreaker nodded as I took another drink of my ale. Seeing the stern look on his face mingled with the merriment of the folk around us, I figured it was time to change the subject, "You know, let's enjoy ourselves before you go off to fight tonight," I declared. Cloudbreaker gave a warm smile and that lightness I felt earlier that morning coursed through me once more.
I had made sure to only drink the one pint for I didn't want to become like Timmy and make a fool of myself. I'm not sure if it was the ale, the pleasant company Cloudbreaker and I found ourselves with, or a combination of the two that washed away the troubles of the day. Merriment was obtained and I thoroughly enjoyed it! All of us shared stories, trying to one up the other with the most intense or bizarre situation encountered. I held back on some of my more unbelievable tales, like when I was turned into a lizard or how I managed surviving my skull being ripped off and every part of my body mangled. Rather I talked about destroying some Giants, much to Cloudbreaker’s enjoyment, and the night Podunk was demolished, though leaving the demolished part out: “We killed the werewolves, stopped the ritual, and everyone went back to live happily ever after!” I had regaled a bit too gaily. If only that was the exact outcome. But that’s in the past and very much out of my control now. It’s pointless to dwell on the ‘what if’s’ or ‘if only I had...’

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