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It was finally time to go meet up with Bal Vyr and Abu at the graveyard. Cloudbreaker and I zipped over and met up with the two outside at the gates. We then ventured into a familiar scene. The graveyard was empty but soon a thick fog descended upon us. We waited around for a time, not sure how we’d locate Lash.
Remembering I could fly, I told the others I would ascend up to see if there was any signs of our demon friend. Right as I reached the limit my strength had, I broke the fog cover. The moon glowed against the thick mist as I flew about 10 feet above it before descending. As I did so, I looked about the night sky and over the glow of the fog for any signs of Lash. The only notable thing I saw was wisps of humanoid figured forming in the fog before fading off.
My heart skipped a beat when I landed for I didn’t immediately spot my party. Once I turned around, I found they were just behind me. Quickly I informed them of what I saw. Bal Vyr noted that he felt a slight magical aura in the fog. That was curious considering the first night we went there to fight the undead, the fog held no magical presence.
Cloudbreaker then shh’d us saying he heard something. The sounds were familiar; the grunts of the undead roaming about and the mutterings of the gravekeeper... I feel I need to apologize to him... yet at the same time I feel it’d be best if I never talked to him again.
We all stood with our backs to each other as we waited, still unsure how were were going to find Lash. With the fog hampering our vision, Cloudbreaker chose to call out to our friend, hoping she’d have reason enough to come when called upon.
The Goliath’s voice rented the air while we listened for any signs of Lash. Instead of the demon greeting us, the sounds of the undead drew closer. I prepared a shocking grasp on my halberd and readied myself. A skeleton appeared before me and with a swift motion I swung my new halberd into it, releasing my spell. It was a very satisfying strike as bits of bone splintered and the frame of the skeleton shattered before my eyes.
I prided myself a moment for it seemed I had my strength again. I continued to help the others, flanking them strategically against the other 5 undead that came our way. I held back on using more spells since caution suggested I ought to be prepared for Lash if she did suddenly show up.
The zombies were quick work for us. But as the last one fell immobile to the earth, I couldn’t help but wonder if new undead came every night and why the gravekeeper said 'all was right' if the undead kept returning? Whatever the reason was, we had more money due to the undead we slayed.
We gathered the heads before moving further into the graveyard. Bal Vyr suggested we climb up the mausoleum we had gone into the other day after the vampires. I agreed that that would give us an advantage point since it was tall enough to break through the fog bank.
We gathered the heads before moving further into the graveyard. Bal Vyr suggested we climb up the mausoleum we had gone into the other day after the vampires. I agreed that that would give us an advantage point since it was tall enough to break through the fog bank.
I flew to the top of the crypt and waited for the others to join. I was impressed that the Drow was the first of the men up. He pointed out the humanoid wisps I had seen in the fog, being equally confused by their presence. Eventually Cloudbreaker and Abu joined up after Bal Vyr let down a rope. I found it curious that it took the Goliath so long to climb up, but I didn’t think much about it as a noise echoed through the air.
We looked about the fog and toward the dome of the mausoleum. The sound echoed again and resembled that of stone breaking.
“Suppose Grendel finally made his escape?” I mused.
“Or it’s the werewolf,” Cloudbreaker suggested.
“DWARVES!” Bal Vyr shouted as he ran to the window, bashed one of the glass panes with his foot, and securing the rope he had with such swiftness that I’m still amazed at how quickly he disappeared into the crypt.

I looked to Abu and Cloudbreaker. “What just happened? Did he seriously shout ‘Dwarves’?”
“Yep,” Abu drawled. Bal Vyr’s shouts of Dwarves and their vileness echoed up into the night air. The rope soon disappeared from the edge of the window pane. The three of us then promptly began to descend back the way we came. Cloudbreaker tripped or something for when I caught up to him in the fog, Abu was standing over his face down body.
“Cloudbreaker!?” I said, nudging his shoulder. He came to right quick and was mighty embarrassed. Apparently it was the second time he had fallen off the mausoleum. He then picked himself up muttering how our idiotic friend was possibly in danger.
Abu lit a torch as we entered the crypt so we could see better. I made it a point this time to follow the men. I didn’t want a repeat of last time I had entered the tomb. If they were to disappear, I wanted to see them go.
We made it past the entrance and to a large spiraling staircase that I remember ascending the night of our escape. We began to run down as a loud scraping sound echoed through the crypt. I looked over the edge of the railing but I couldn’t see the bottom
“Abu! Quick, make me fly!” the Goliath demanded.
“What?” I questioned as Abu began to cast the spell.
“Come too Blackwing! Bal Vyr is at the bottom and the vampire spawn we missed is about to kill him!”
As soon as the cleric finished the spell, the Goliath jumped off the edge with such grace it was peculiar for someone who never flew before. Soon he disappeared into the darkness.
“I need your torch Abu,” I said. The cleric made no fuss and handed the glowing beacon to me. I then followed after Cloudbreaker, jumping over the edge of the railing with torch in one hand and my halberd in the other.
The Goliath had gone into a rage and was pummeling the spawn when I could see him again. I gripped my halberd firmly with the one hand and thrusted it into the vampire. The creature shrieked as I pierced it. While the spawn proceeded to attack Cloudbreaker, I caught Bal Vyr muttering something as he lost consciousness.
“It’s... Lash.”
I looked over to the vampire spawn as it continued to attack the Goliath. I furrowed my brow wondering what Bal Vyr meant by ‘it’s Lash’. Cloudbreaker then made eye contact with me for a moment before his eyes filled with shock. They looked boyond me as something sliced me across the back.
Lash! went through my head as I realized now what Bal Vyr meant. I dropped the torch near Bal Vyr and quickly turned myself invisible. I then flew up and away from the demon form of Lash. As I looked upon her, I threw a fire bolt at her.
She cringed a little before glaring at me. I knew my invisibility was gone and so I threw two more fire bolts in her direction, but to no obvious effect. Lash then held out her hand toward me and ripped a scream from throat. My whole body ached as my pours expelled blood. It was evident our demon comrade was the culprit who had killed those families, yet somehow I managed to remain awake and alive. I was also impressed that the blood that seeped out of my body left no trace upon my clothes.
“Leave her alone!” Cloudbreaker’s voice echoed through the room. I watched as he swung his sword at Lash. His strike was true, but Lash brought her scythe like hand down upon the Goliath. He was bleeding greatly and seeing Abu had another flight of stairs to descend before he could get to any of us, I had to give the party cover from Lash. So I created a mist hoping for the best.
It surprised me that Lash found where I was so hastily. She swung her scythe and made contact with my right leg. With a great gash across my upper thigh, I felt myself fighting to keep awake. There was only one option I could fathom, one final spell. To hit her with a force field and pray I could will it to push her far across the room. Unfortunately for me, I passed out right after I cast the spell.
When I came too I noticed something screaming, my back searing with pain, and Cloudbreaker and Abu hovering over me. The Goliath then asked for me to dispel my mist. I did so immediately.
The screaming was coming from the writhing form of demon Lash. She had been burned quite severely and soon her body stopped moving altogether. Bal Vyr on the other hand was up and staring at his hands with startled eyes.
“You’re alright?” I asked.
“Blimey, what did you cast?” Abu asked.
“I thought it was just a simple fire spell...” Bal Vyr stated half mindedly. He took a step toward Lash before doubling over and clutching his stomach. Even Cloudbreaker was rubbing his arm that bore the mark. It would appear we each were feeling the effects of our curse.
“Well, let’s take her body and grab the head of the spawn over there,” Cloudbreaker informed.
“Hey Araja, you should take the scythe,” Bal Vyr mentioned as the Goliath picked up the fried corpse of Lash. I looked at the weapon that was left on the floor. It was an excellent piece of work. Lash would need it once she returned to her form... if she returned.
As I secured Lash’s scythe about me, I heard Bal Vyr ask Cloudbreaker if he could check Lash’s back. I heard Bal Vyr ask Cloudbreaker if he could check Lash’s back. I looked up to watch the Drow scrape some of the charred skin away. Underneath was the glow of the mark.
“You know, this could prove troublesome when the Captain sees the mark. He’ll notice it’s one of ours.”
“So. We’ll just pass it off that she was part of our mercenary group and that’s the tattoo to prove it,” I responded.
“Yes, but that means our comrade became a demon and began to slaughter families. I would imagine that would look bad on us,” Bal Vyr retorted.
I shrugged my shoulders, “Then we feign innocence and turn the tables on him saying that there’s a bigger problem in the graveyard than zombies and vampires. Something is turning people into demons.”
“Right...” Bal Vyr drawled.
“Well, whatever is to happen will happen. She is quite crispy to say the least, so perhaps they won’t notice,” Cloudbreaker mentioned. Let alone, part of me suspected the Guard Captain would still disbelieve us even with the demon present.
Right as we began to make our way out, the sound of rock crumbling echoed above us and a cry escaped Cloudbreaker. I whirled around to see a gargoyle attack the Goliath.
Cloudbreaker in a fit of rage dropped Lash’s body and grew as he stared down the rocky beast. The creature, not intimidated by the Goliath, attacked him again as Bal Vyr ran behind. I placed a light about me and flew up to the pillar to where the gargoyle had perched.
Abu carefully maneuvered behind Cloudbreaker to heal him as the beast continued to attack. The Goliath tried to grab onto the Gargoyle, but the creature flew away. It then noticed me standing on it's perch to which it lunged at me. As it drew close I swung the scythe but to no avail. While I endured the creatures bites and scratches, Cloudbreaker grabbed the gargoyle and cracked it slightly. The beast screeched in pain.
As I brought the scythe up to strike once more, the sharp claws of the gargoyle lashed out at me again and sent me into darkness.
As I brought the scythe up to strike once more, the sharp claws of the gargoyle lashed out at me again and sent me into darkness.
I woke up to my back aching and half my body soaked in water. Abu gave a reassuring smile and I thanked him. Oh how I hate passing out in a fight. Cloudbreaker, who no longer was raging, offered me a hand up to which I accepted.
As I looked about, noticing the gargoyle’s broken form in the puddle, what caught my attention was all the expelled contents of my haversack and the gargoyle clutching my journal. I stared wide eyed and alarmed at the creature for a moment before snatching my book from him. I hugged it to my form. How had it retrieved it?
I placed the journal back into it’s demention, part of me wondering how secure that place was if the gargoyle managed to grab hold of it.
“What was that?” Bal Vyr asked.
“Nothing,” I quickly stated as Cloudbreaker mentioned, “Her journal.” I then proceeded to pick up my wet items and place them back into the haversack. The bedroll and tent would need to air out and dry at some point.
As I placed my gear back into their rightful place, Bal Vyr suggested cutting Lash’s head off to avoid the whole mark thing. Cloudbreak agreed, suggesting we bury her body before leaving the graveyard. Abu however was mortified by the idea asking why we were desecrating a friend’s body. The men persuaded him that it was for the safety of ourselves and that they’d bury the head with her after they showed the evidence to the Guard Captain.
We arrived outside the Guard Captain’s house and were appointed to Lieutenant Druthers. He was far more pleasant than the Guard Captain or Lieutenant Mathison, especially considering the late hour we came in. He awarded us for the undead we slew and instructed us to place the head of Lash outside in a specific spot due to the unpleasant smell she exuded.
Before leaving with our bounty, Cloudbreaker asked if he’d be able to pick the head up at a later time once the the Captain examined it. Lieutenant Druthers raised an eyebrow to which the Goliath added that he wanted a trophy. He never killed a demon before. The Lieutenant agreed and informed us we could pick it up in a day or two.
And so we retired for the night agreeing to meet up for breakfast at Larland’s Chalice Inn.
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