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From what I could tell inside the luggage, it was dark, I didn’t have to breathe, and ever so often I would feel something brush up against me. I couldn’t tell how long I had been in there, but I was very much angry with Isaac for having placed me in the luggage. Who was to say how long I’d be in there. Thankfully I was let out at some length of time. I felt the velvety tongue wrap around me once more and the sense of being swept up. The firm ground soon was felt under my feet and the first thing I registered in my line of sight was Isaac.
“You!” I shouted and tried to swing at him. Being disoriented still, I took too shallow of a step and I missed Isaac. I then grew my wings and flew up a few feet ready to curse at Isaac a little for trapping me against my will when I heard something from behind. I turn around and see a swarm of people coming toward us on Hippogriffs.
“Who are they?” I asked, feeling alarmed.
“Some Asterial Drow,” Jessica responded.
As the Drow approached us they called out warmly to us. They were perplexed by our presence in the Ethereal plains. They stated that they traveled in a well barricaded fortress, pointing in the direction they came from. Compared to them, we were exposed and looking like ‘fresh fruit’ ready for the picking. I looked to Isaac upon hearing how the Ethereal plain was very dangerous.
“Where have you taken us Isaac!?” and “You took us to a dangerous place!?” Rekka and I spoke simultaneously. Isaac seemed to ignore us, pulling out a book and began to browse through it. Rekka and I looked at each other, both of equally miffed by Isaac’s indifference to our concern.
“So, anything strange happen here lately?” Rekka asked.
“You guys are pretty strange,” one of the Drow said, “Other than that, we’re just trying to get past the dragon lands.”
“There’s Dragons here?” Cortanna blurted out. The Drow just gave her a confused look. I kept my mouth shut. I too was very unaware of the creatures that lived in the Ethereal plain. The Drow found our uninformed selves humoring.
“Well, how about you come travel with-” one of the Drow began to say before being cut off. A flare lit in the sky in the shape of a dragon. The Drow looked to us, “Come with us if you want to live!” the stated.
Isaac then put down his book.
“Why?” he asked.
“Dragon!” was the response he got. We all took off running. Raæin was gracious enough to let me ride him and Isaac casted haste on the group. The Asterial Drow encircled us, protecting us from the on coming dragon. I could see it dragon in the distance. The dragon sent out a beam of ice at the fortress. A force field of some sort protected the fortress from the attack. Now the question I had to wonder was would we make it there before the dragon saw us?
The dragon attacked a few more times before it finally penetrated the force field. As it swung back around to enter into the fortress, it then took notice of our group. Immediately it swooped down and landed in front of us. The giant beast was so alarming and frightening that we came to a halt instantly. I could see it’s silvery color and immediately something in my mind told me that something was wrong about what was happening. I mean in the sense that my first assumptions of the situation were wrong.
The dragon then let out a mighty roar and said something that sent the Asterial Drows scattering in all directions to get away. They were clearly terrified of the dragon and for good reason too.The Drow seemed like they would be defenders for us, but their conviction was very feeble once face to face with the good aligned dragon. The beast took no second look at us and took off after the Drow and their fortress.
“Huh,” Isaac said, “Apparently the dragon just saved us.” I had figured as much. Still, we waited a moment longer for Isaac to explain, “Oh. Um, it sounds like these Asterial Drows are slave traders.”
We didn’t take a second to discuss our next course of action. If they were attempting to trick us, then we’d defend the dragon that saved us. Cortanna had her weapon handle out and took off running toward the fortress. Raæin and I soon followed. There was something quite exhilarating about riding into battle on Raæin. Once in the fortress I flew off him and charged into a Drow, killing him. The chaos was intense as the Drow focused on the dragon in the middle of their fort. I went from building to building killing Drow while Raæin focused on the ones on the ground. I got really worried at one point when I noticed the dragon becoming bloodied. Then a fog appeared around the dragon and I renewed my focus to continue to take out the other Drow since the fog would help protect the beast.
I enjoyed tossing a few of my fireball spheres at swarms of Drow. Later I saw Isaac take out two mages that were unaffected by my fireball attacks. Suddenly the dragon sprayed a cone of ice at a group of Drow before attacking with his claws another group. Pretty soon the fight that was going on in the fortress was over. The fog left, hippogriffs and Asterial Drow bodies littered the fortress, and the dragon healed right before our eyes. Once healed he made himself comfortable and began to eat the Drow.
“Oh how I hate these slave traders!” the Dragon said between bites, “Always going around ‘helping’ those traveling in the Ethereal Plains. Granted, they are right about it not being the safest form of travel, I assume they told you that correct?” The dragon asked us. We nodded, “Well then, where are you folks headed to?” We explain that we are trying to go to my home continent, “You plan on using the Ethereal Plain the whole way? That is quite the risk you are taking. Besides, what are you planning on finding there?”
There was some silence. Would explaining our situation really matter to the dragon?
“Does the name Pendral ring a bell to you?” Rekka asked. The dragon’s eyes narrow on her.
“This Pendral and another name, Lupik, have been mentioned around here in association to stealing our eggs,” the dragon said menacingly, “And these slave traders assist them in this work and all I can say is us Gold and Silver dragons are furious about all of this!”
“We can tell you Pendral is dead, but Lupik in fact is another person we are going after. He’s in power still and is creating an army of werewolves,” Isaac said.
“Aw yes, I recall hearing about the increase in werewolves. But worst yet, that which is most maddening, is hearing about how our young are being corrupted! Is that something you’ve heard of?” the dragon asked. I wondered if the dragon we killed back at Podunk happened to be one of their young...
“Hey Araja, wasn’t Raæin being corrupted when we found him?” Rekka asked me before I could ponder further on the dragon. The silver dragon, seeing Rekka pointing at Raæin, let out a mighty roar. It was so loud, I could feel my head rattle a bit. The sky over head darken and it felt as though I was about to black out, but just then other dragons began to appear. They were silver and gold in color. They stayed above and continued to circle about us.
“We will go and investigate this Lupik,” the siliver dragon said decidedly, “If he is truly doing what we’ve just discussed, then he will no longer be,” the dragon declared. A sense of relief rushes through me. That would be one less person to deal with if they are able to find evidence. Let alone the sheer number of dragons was astounding. These mature creatures were more than capable of taking out Lupik if it came to that.
“Is there anything else you’ve heard about Lupik!?” Isaac called out, shouting over the sound of wings.
“No. Just that he’s behind taking our young,” the silver dragon said. He then took off to the sky. We watched the horde of dragons follow him. A portal opens up and soon all the dragons are no longer visible. As they disappeared, I suddenly had a sinking feeling. Would they be capable of just taking Lupik out? Or did we suddenly send an army of dragons to slaughter a nation for the crimes of one man?
It was then eerily quiet. Isaac the luggage to collect the bodies. While the luggage did that, Isaac then went to a control panel on the building he was on.
“Looks like I found what operates this contraption,” Isaac said. He hunched over it and the memory of him tinkering with the controls for the Plainer Portal came to mind.
With the worry that came to mind as the dragons disappeared, I knew I had to busy myself to not continue to fret about it. I felt my stomach grumble then. I was reminded that I had to find sustenance now that I was without my rations. I went off exploring the place since it looked like it was meant to accommodate a large number of people. I was bound to find food right?
Sure enough there was a large cupboard like area that was stocked with food. Fresh fruit and vegetables, meats, drinks. The food was plentiful, so I grabbed some things I could readily eat at the moment. Part of me wondered how long the fresh food would last.
“Hey Raæin,” I said between bites of an apple, “How long was I in the luggage?” Raæin thought for a moment.
“Roughly 8 hours.”
“What!” I exclaimed. I had lost 8 hours of this day! I then hurried back out to the main floor of the fortress to look at the sky. The sky was dark, which I hadn’t noticed much considering the way the Ethereal Plain looked made everything a hazy glow. Right when I was beginning to accept that it was late enough for 8 hours to have passed, the whole fortress jerked. The buildings all around began to slide into the ground. Raæin thankfully had followed me out.
Soon Isaac, Cortanna, Rekka and Jessica were on the same ground as me and Raæin, the fortress completely melding into the ground. All that was left was the control panel in front of Isaac. I was disappointed for a moment that he lost the fortress, though I was thankful I had at least grabbed some food to eat. Just as I accepted the loss of the fortress, the ground began to rumble and soon the buildings of the fortress began to rise again. In no time everything of the fortress was back. Then before I could feel secure about the fortress staying, I felt it rumble and lift up. I was impressed that it could float. Then it began to move really fast! I kept my balance, but no sooner had I gained my feet under me, we crashed. I still had my wings out and so was able to brace myself in the air.
“Isaac!” I heard Rekka shout before continuing to yell in some language that sounded like halfling. I went to her aid since the crash had made her fall off the building she was on. Isaac continued to tinker about, unconcerned with our welfare. I let Rekka go brood and I decided that I might as well get a full meal in me before Isaac really destroyed the place.
Once I was done eating, I went back out to the group to see Isaac away from the controls.
“Find anything interesting?” he called out to me.
“Just the kitchen,” I responded.
“Well then, we were musing over if we should go help the dragon’s or continue on to your home town,” Isaac explained.
“The dragon’s, I’m sure, are more than capable of handling Lupik on their own. I think we should stick to the plan and see what answers can be found in Rehm,” I responded. Then with no further discussion Isaac went back to the controls and presses a button. The fortress once more lifted up and begins to move once more. I hugged the floor as I feel it pick up speed. I looked to Isaac and could see he looked more sure of himself this time, but I didn’t trust him enough to stand up yet. It took about five minuts before I got to my feet, feeling Isaac truly had a clue now about how to fly the fortress.
We still had a long ways to go, but what else could be done while we traveled? Journaling for me and I suppose organizing my gear... Raæin laid next to my bed on a make-shift nest of excess beds and blankets that were not being used by the masses. Seeing we were alone, I decided to let him in on information I had told Isaac a few weeks ago.
“Raæin?” I asked. He opens an eye and looks at me, “I don’t know when, but I plan on... ‘praying’ to Heironious at some point. I had planned on breaking from the group if we had continued through the woods to Lupik, to do this but now we’re off to a place that is rumored dangerous. I also suspect...” I stopped. I didn’t want to worry Raæin with my suspicion that this would very well be a suicide mission but then again, if I didn’t come back, someone best know, “I might not return from inquiring after him. Now I don’t mean to tell you this to worry you, but don’t try to talk me out of it for I must do this else I’ll be burden with this confusion that is in me, unsure as to what I want to believe,” I said, possibly sounding a little rude. Raæin was kind in listening and seemed to follow everything I said.
“Araja,” his warm voice began, “I will not hold you back from finding your answers. Good luck and may the odds be in your favor.”
I smiled at my friend. Raæin continues to instill in me a sense of confidence. Granted, I know my desire to seek out Heironious could very well be a bad idea, but the fact is he lets me think for myself and doesn’t point out all the flaws or problems that I already know exist.
So with the excess time I have, I’ll be pondering what exactly I want to say to Heironious. What is it I truly want to know? I suppose if anything, part of me hopes that the whole Heironious and Erythnul working together and my sister or Malfeiya’s involvement is just one huge misunderstanding.